EACC detectives raid homes of Governor Lenolkulal in Sh2b probe

Samburu Governor Moses Lenolkulal at a past event.

Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) detectives raided the Nairobi and Samburu residences of Governor Moses Lenolkulal in a Sh2 billion suspected fraud probe.

The officers arrived at the Karen home Wednesday morning in search for documents in a case they are developing.

Another team went to the homes and offices of chief officers, directors and contractors at the county.

The officers say there has been misappropriation of funds meant for the county hence the searches. They were armed with search warrants at the time of the searches.

“There have been complaints of misappropriation of funds meant for the county which has prompted the searches,” said an official at the commission.

It is not clear if the Governor was in Nairobi or Samburu at the time of the raids.

EACC officials said they will send their probe file to the office of DPP with recommendations for action.